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However, prostitution may be an aggravating factor of public order, depending on the Prostitutes Puerto Montt of Carabineros. There is a respectable shopping mall, a cinema and various other outlets.

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Categories : Prostitution in Chile. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

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The Sanitary Code refers to prostitution in Paragraph II of venereal diseases , which specifically prohibits brothels, but legitimises the existence of prostitution.

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Categories : Prostitution in Chile. You are commenting using your Facebook account.
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Categories : Prostitution in Chile. Arturo Herrera, the director of Chile's PDI investigative police, resigned in following scandal in which police officers were deeply involved in a child prostitution ring.

Region time America/Santiago

Population 28

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Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile Latitude: -41.46.-72.9454, Longitude: 1600.387496058

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